
Years of Real World experience

Not just automated tools

Our dedicated team of experienced security professionals are entirely focused on the protection of your infrastructure and data as their only priority. We will review your security infrastructure to determine where you are most susceptible to attacks. Rather than simply run automated vulnerability scans,

our professional ethical hackers will perform real world attack scenarios to identify and validate threats and weaknesses. From vulnerability assessments to extensive penetration testing, we will work with you to determine the best information security strategy for your company.


Global Expansion

• Cybercrime has become a global security crisis, costing the global economy over 575 billion dollars a year.

•It is estimated that there will be approximately 42.8 million online attacks this year, resulting in roughly 117,339 attacks per day.

•A recent survey revealed that the cost of cyber-security crimes has more than doubled since 2013, averaging $8.6m per company affected in 2014. This cost has only been rising. The average cost of a successful data breach to a corporation in the financial services industry was $20.8m.


Data Breaches and Identity Theft

•With 783 data breach incidents recorded in 2014, the average number of identities exposed per incident was 2,181,891. In 2012, the average number of identities exposed per incident was 604,826, resulting in an increase of over 2.5 times.

•In 2013 there were eight incidents which each exposed over 10 million identities, while in 2012 there was only one incident of that magnitude.

•In 2020 Ransomware has emerged as the number One thread to enterprises world wide, with ransoms in the millions
